With your purchase, you will get our 14 Day Sea Moss Summer Cleanse PDF Instruction and recipe book. (Our Sea Moss is not included with this product) You will need 1 Gallon of Sea Moss Gel to do this Cleanse. Note: If you are interested in receiving our presoaked sea moss with your PDF cleanse go to our 14 Day Sea Moss Summer Cleanse with PDF on our website.
Looking for a cleanse that will give you energy? mental clarity? feeling satiated? Guaranteed weight-loss? a digestive cleansing and a reboot to your immune system? Just to name a few... Well, This is the cleanse for you! This is a cleanse like no other!
If you have experienced a cleanse before, you will without a doubt notice a major difference in comparison to other cleanses.
For those who have never experienced a cleanse... Today is your lucky day! :)
This cleanse provides detailed information and instructions that you will need to get started and help guide you into getting the best results possible and the best cleansing experience you ever had!
Don't miss out on this amazing experience!
How does this cleanse work? You will be consuming a cup of Sea Moss a day for 14 days straight. But you won't just be drinking a cup of Sea Moss gel by itself. You will be implementing all of your recipes provided in your 14 Day Sea Moss Summer Cleanse Recipe PDF guide. This will help to make your cleansing experience much easier. This allows your body to make those transitions in feeling great and becoming healthier. More details are provided in the PDF Book.
Please make sure to leave your email info with your transaction so your PDF can be emailed to you. If you happen to forget, no worries you will be contacted with the number you provide with your order. Expect your email to be sent no later than the end of the day.